As an electric utility or a facility which own a large electric distribution network, you want to know if your network is consistent with respect to voltage drops, load limits and of short-circuit intensity. You want to know if the voltages at the end of your network comply with standards for the devices and customers supplied . You want to make sure that cables, conductors, transformers or others devices are not too loaded. In the event of short circuit, you also want your protection devices to operate properly and your equipment to be able to adequately support these shorts-circuits.
3E Ing. experts can model and analyse any medium and low voltage electrical networks with specialized simulation software like EasyPower. Such analysis will calculate the voltage drops as well as load and short-circuit levels in your electrical distribution networks. Additionally, the analysis will highlight existing problems on the network a follows:
- Over/under voltage
- Excessive voltage unbalances
- Overloads
- Non-coverage of minimal short-circuit currents
- Excessive losses
If necessary, the analysis will be extended to identify by simulation the best solutions to correct the problems (transfer and/or balance loads , add capacitors and/or voltage regulators, add or replace sections of cables or conductors, add phases, increase network voltage, etc.) .
Our experts will identify the most cost-effective solution while reducing losses as much as possible. In case of problems related to voltage or load levels, our solutions consider the best electrical distribution principles as presented in the following article in T&D World: Six Steps to Improve Distribution Voltage Quality. These principles are also part of Hydro-Quebec Distribution method A.5-02.