Your electrical installation power quality may affect your neighbors. If power quality does not meet the requirements in your facilities, your electric utility may inform you that the high inrush or harmonics currents resulting from your processes disrupt the electric power quality and causes neighbors customers to complain. If the interference is really caused by your installation and they exceed your electric utility requirements, you will be required to correct them.
At 3E Ing., our experts will help you identify the source of the interference and to check if it does exceed the limits required by your electric utility. Where appropriate, we will help you implement solutions to correct excessive interference (harmonic filters, soft starters, devices and/or processes adaptation, etc.). Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any need regarding power quality. We will be glad to put our expertise to work and solve your problems.
Note for Hydro-Quebec’s customers : The requirements in this area are laid down in the standards C.22 -03 (fluctuating loads) and C.25 -01 (harmonic currents). As stated in clause 18.8 of the Conditions of Electricity Service, customer must correct power quality interference when it does not meet requirements.