Electromagnetic Compatibility Analysis

Power quality has critical impact on electrical equipment operation. In fact, electromagnetic compatibility problems may disrupt equipment operation. For instance, electrical equipment may stop for no apparent reason or may not provide the expected performance. These problems are likely due to electrical power quality or equipment electrical sensitivity settings. In other words, you want to verify the electromagnetic compatibility of your electrical devices with the electrical waveform received from your electricity distributor.  Meaning, you want to make sure that this waveform is correct regarding the standards..

Our experts at 3E Eng. will find the source(s) of the problem(s) and will identify the appropriate solution. We will conduct a detailed analyses of the affected devices and an electrical power quality analysis if necessary. Such analysis are conducted according to the measurement protocol defined in IEC 61000-4-30 standard.

If the power quality provided by your electrical distributor does not meet the required standards such as CSA CAN3-C235-F83, we will submit a demand to them to correct the situation. However, if the electrical distributor’s power quality meets the standards, the problems are, thus, caused by the devices in your installations. In such cases, 3E Eng will identify the reduction measures and will assist you in the implementation (protection adjustments, UPS (uninterruptible power supply), voltage drop reduction in the installation, processes adaptation, etc.). Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any needs regarding power quality. We will be glad to put our expertise to work and solve your problems.

Note for Hydro-Quebec’s customers : The Hydro-Quebec specifications regarding electromagntic compatibility analysis are defined in the document Characteristics and Target Values of the Voltage Supplied by the Hydro-Quebec Medium and Low Voltage Systems and in the CSA standards CAN3-C235-83 (R2010) – Preferred Voltage Levels for AC Systems, 0 to 50 000 V.

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