
3E Eng. was mandated to

Perform an energy audit of the compressed air system and dust extractors

3E Eng. was mandated by Magotteaux to perform an energy audit of the compressed air system and dust extractors at their Magog plant as part of the implementation of an energy management system based on ISO 50001. This audit included a campaign to measure the electrical power of the compressors and the heat losses by the dust extractors as well as a verification of the uses and leaks of compressed air.

The measurement campaign has identified a potential savings of 30% and 40% of heating costs by heat recovery at dust collectors. A savings potential of around 14% in air compressors has also been identified. The identified projects had a payback period of less than 2 years.

Following the audit of dust collectors and the compressed air system, 3E Eng. has prepared a report presenting the identified projects including an estimate of the economy and costs. The report also presented the energy review of the site and the energy monitoring recommendations to be put in place to improve energy monitoring of the site for the energy management system.

About measurement campaigns for dust extractors, air compressors and other industrial systems

3E Eng. can provide you (rental or measurement campaign) with several measuring devices to diagnose the performance of your various industrial systems.

Flow of water, steam, compressed air and other industrial fluids

  • Non-intrusive ultrasonic flow meters
  • Insert microturbine flowmeters
  • Insertion thermal mass flow meters
  • Pitot Tube Flow Meters


  • Power, voltage and current analyzers and recorders
  • Ammeters


  • Ultrasonic detectors
  • Pressure sensors
  • Temperature sensors
  • Hygrometers
  • Particle counter
  • Aerotest

We are able to record data for these devices for several days to cover an operating cycle of your site. Subsequently, the analysis of data by specialists of the different systems measured allows to detect inefficiencies and quantify precisely the potential benefits.

We can help!

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